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August came and went quicker than I could have imagined. Take a look behind the scenes of my work and life as summer comes to a close.

Solid Rock Youth Ministries 5K and Fun Run

We raised over $30,000 for this amazing ministry and the weather was absolutely perfect for an early August morning. Read more about it here. Everything turned out just as we had planned, and I’ve been seeing the shirts I designed pop-up all over as I run into folks in our area.

I became an aunt!

Yes! My niece was born earlier this month and it was such an exciting celebration. Everyone is healthy and transitioning to home life. She was the first grandbaby for my in-laws so everyone has been swooning to welcome her into this world!

The arrival of my niece was a reality check of my future as I prepare for motherhood, but that’s another story for another day.

Attended the Global Leadership Summit

Lix Bohannon stood out to me the most during this two-day event. She’s the co-founder and co-CEO of Sseko Designs and her talk based on her upcoming book, Beginner’s Pluck, stole the show. Her talk was entertaining and enlightening. After listening to a podcast she was on I felt like I received a bachelors degree in strategy and branding.

Coffee + Connect at Speckled Hen

I’m working on getting better at networking, getting out from behind the computer, and talking to those who I want to help. The event was packed! Women Connect Lancaster was expecting about 15 ladies, there were well over 35! I met a few ladies who work with artisans in Peru, Ethiopia, and across the globe. Hearing their stories were inspiring and confirmed the type of clients I love serving!

Check out their shops:

Women in Business Networking Group

Yep, twice in one month I stepped out of my comfort zone, met a bunch of new people, and reconnected with some familiar faces as well. It was so affirming to hear, “Oh, you’re the lady so and so told me I need to talk to, let’s chat!”

Completed my first month of composting

This went surprisingly smooth, and I realized how much trash we have previously produced. Usually we at least half fill our standard 96-gallon trash container over the course of our week, but I’ve seen this tremendously decreases. Last week we only had one standard kitchen size bag out for pickup, and our recycling was much smaller too (which is a good thing overall!).

I found keeping our kitchen scraps in a gallon-sized bag in the freezer makes for quick access and stores it well between the days that I’m not transferring material into our compost container.

What stands out from your August?

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