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what babies teach us

note: this is not an exhaustive list Babies teach us to slow down. Thankfully they don’t come out of the womb walking like giraffes. If God wanted that for us, he would have designed us that way. We have time to see the new developments of a child, although...

my top five strengths (says strengths finder)

In college, while I was a Resident Assistant, our staff did the StrengthsFinder assessment to discover our strengths. We were a random group of students, put together to serve a resident hall of over 200 students. We had to learn more about one another, and how to...

my eco-friendly, low waste progress | summer 2020

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’ve made progress until you take a step back, identify all the ways you’ve changed and your new habits, and give yourself a little credit. That’s just what this is for. After just a few minutes spent online, it...

beauty of olives

After hearing a few of the significances of olives, it is the only tattoo I have ever considered actually getting. Photo by Emre Gencer Jesus descended into Jerusalem from the mount of olives. Jesus ascending into heaven from the mount of olives. Jesus is called The...

minimalist moment of the week: leftovers

Today was about getting rid of the leftovers. Not just the food, but the random leftovers. Three bandaids without a home. Two allergy medicines from the previous box. The coffee shop gift card with 78 cents on it. The rewards card from the store that has since closed....

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